Prosthodontics is the area of dentistry pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the oral function, esthetics, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing teeth, deficient teeth, and/or compromised maxillo-facial tissues using biocompatible substitutes. Prosthodontic treatment includes contemporary fixed prostheses, full coverage crowns, partial coverage restorations, fixed partial dentures (bridges), porcelain veneers, resin bonded bridges, removable protheses, removable complete dentures, removable partial dentures, tooth-based over-dentures, implant-based prostheses, implant-supported, fixed prostheses, implant-retained over-dentures.
Our main goal is to create healthy and aesthetic prosthodontics. To be able to provide the most professional, precise and easthetically pleasing replacements for our patients, it is necessary to work with a dental lab that has extensive years of knowledge and an eye of an artist for aesthetics. We are proud to work with a team that prioritises our patients highest satisfaction. Nothing compares to seeing our patients happy with their beautiful new smiles.
Dentures can be divided into two major groups: fixed and removable prostheses. Fixed prostheses are anchored on teeth and implants and cannot be removed from the patient’s mouth. Removable prostheses, on the other hand, can be used for significant tooth deficiencies. While existing teeth and implants can help with their stability, the chewing force is applied to the bony formula covered with mucous membranes and must be removed daily for proper cleaning.
Fixed dentures
These dentures are suitable for teeth that meet specific quality, location, and stability criteria. They are not only used to replace missing teeth but are also often necessary for aesthetic purposes. Reasons for their use include crowded, aesthetically unpleasant, discolored teeth, or restoring the stability of root-treated teeth and their crowns. When utilized for larger gaps in teeth, they offer a fast and aesthetically pleasing solution but require preparing tooth material, potentially damaging adjacent teeth. It is vital to consider this when planning, as there are usually alternative options, such as using implants. A single-tooth restoration is known as a crown, while connecting multiple teeth to replace a missing tooth is termed a bridge.
In terms of material, they can be:
-Metal ceramics: This is the most basic and cost-effective dental restoration type. It features a metal frame core covered with natural porcelain applied layer by layer. The metal frame material is typically nickel-free cobalt-chromium alloy, occasionally gold alloy or titanium are used based on the specific indication.
-Zirconium: Often promoted as a metal-free alternative, zirconium dioxide is actually a metal alloy known for its white colour. It is favoured for its high aesthetic appeal, particularly in the front teeth region.
-Press ceramic: This metal-free option is recommended for individuals with metal allergies. It only consists of ceramic material strengthened through a special process. Besides crowns, it can be used for veneers aimed at enhancing aesthetics. Popular for achieving a "Hollywood" smile, it requires minimal tooth preparation, usually removing only the enamel's top layer. Press ceramics are durable, fitting precisely onto the tooth surface, especially suitable for front teeth.
A dental bridge is a solution for replacing missing teeth, employing dental crowns. While a crown replaces a single tooth, a dental bridge addresses multiple missing teeth. It can be tooth-supported or implant-supported, providing a comprehensive tooth replacement option.
Temporary dentures:
If there is a need for a denture, it typically takes a week to create. During this time, the teeth that are prepared are sensitive and delicate. This sensitivity can be especially problematic for front teeth aesthetically. It is advisable to have a temporary denture made for this brief period. These temporary solutions are cost-effective and allow for a normal lifestyle while waiting for the permanent denture.
Removable dentures, as mentioned earlier, can be taken out and put back in by the patient daily. They can be crafted for complete tooth loss, known as a prosthesis, or for partial tooth loss, referred to as a partial denture. In the case of partial tooth loss, they can be attached to teeth, fixed restorations, or implants.
Dental Implants:
A specialised area of dental restorations focuses on implant dental restorations. Fortunately, in the 21st century, this has become a standard procedure.. This method effectively addresses the treatment of missing teeth at the end of a row or total tooth loss with fixed restorations, replacing partial or complete removable dentures. This transformation significantly enhances the quality of life for our patients. Often, this type of replacement is chosen to safeguard adjacent teeth from preparation and potential permanent damage, which can occur with alternative treatments.
Dental implant restorations are highly diverse and necessitate personalised planning. The entire process generally takes longer compared to bridges or partial or full removable restorations. Due to being a premium branch of dentistry, the cost of these replacements is understandably higher than other options. However, the improvement in quality of life is immeasurable.
All-on-4: screw bridge replacement for four implants.
With its help, we can create a fixed solution instead of a removable denture or prosthesis. Before using the All-on-4 technique, bone supply was determined using a 3-dimensional CT scan. Before the procedure, we select the most suitable implant size and type for the situation. Overall, it is a cost-effective solution as only four implants are required per denture; painful, lengthy, and costly bone replacement is avoided; the recovery time is short, meaning that the patient can return to everyday life soon. Aesthetics, speech skills, phonetics, and chewing function will be restored, and dentures will be comfortable to wear. Its significant advantage over a prosthesis is that it leaves the palate free. The prepared bridge prosthesis can only be removed from the mouth by a doctor; it is stable and aesthetic and replaces the missing part of the gums. It is a top-rated solution in the Scandinavian countries.