Veneers For The Perfect Aesthetic

Front teeth are always prickly area. Visible while smiling and speaking, determining our face and bereavement, playing a pivotal role to reach the first positive impression. Many of our patients are unsatisfied with the colour or shape of their theeth, or even with their diesthema (the gap between two teeth).
The composite fillings of our young patient’s front teeth were colored after a while, giving her aesthetic problems. Instead of changing her fillings continuously, we have suggested a lasting solution. We were comparing with crowns; a minimal preparation to remove the fillings gave us enough space for the veneers. While using veneers, the color or shape and the teeth' position can be corrected, giving a lasting aesthetic for the patients.


 Kedves Pácienseink!
Rendelőnk december 21. és január 5. között zárva tart! Kellemes ünnepeket kíván csapatunk és várjuk Önöket január 6.-tól.

Dear Patients,
Please note that we will be closed from 21 December- 5 January. We wish you all a joyful holiday season and a Merry Christmas! Our clinic will reopen on January 6th, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.