Our team
Dr Endre Balla
Dr Kristóf Balla
Dr Roohi Ghazaleh
Dr Ádám Bodnár
Dr Dóra Luca Gecser
Krisztina Mucsányi
Nóra Jakus
Dr. Kovács Zsófia Sára
Nagy Réka
Dr Endre Balla
Dental specialist
He graduated from Semmelweis University in 1981. It’s no accident that our dentistry’s name bears resemblance to Dr Endre Balla’s name. He established the Balla-Dent clinic in 1996. First, it was situated at Museum district then the whole clinic moved to its present location, the famous Corvin district. Doctor Balla is known for his brilliant endodontic skills and his most important goal is to save your teeth at all costs.
Languages: English, German, Italian
Monday - 8:00-12:00
Tuesday - 8:00-18:00
Wednesday - 14:00-18:00
Thursday - 8:00-18:00
Dr Kristóf Balla
Dental specialist
He graduated from Semmelweis University in 2012. As a post-graduate Doctor Kristóf gained extensive knowledge in the field of prosthodontics and endodontics. He has immense experience in aesthetic treatments, implant prosthodontics and endodontics, as well. His work is not only characterised by great professionalism but a joyful atmosphere is also guaranteed.
Languages: English, German
Monday - 8:00-12:00
Tuesday - 8:00-18:00
Wednesday - 14:00-18:00
Thursday - 8:00-18:00
Friday - 8:00-12:00
Dr Roohi Ghazaleh
Doctor Ghazi graduated from the University of Debrecen in 2009. She post-graduated in Budapest as an orthodontist specialist, spending her orthodontic residency time at one of the biggest clinics in Hungary. Besides taking into consideration aspects of the aesthetic view, she also aims to avoid relapse with well balanced forces of occlusion. Thanks to Doctor Ghazi's great empathy she gets along very well with young patients. Hence she successfully manages our pediatric dentistry department.
Languages: English, Farsi
Wednesday - 8:00 - 18:00
Dr Ádám Bodnár
Oral Surgeon, Implantologist
He graduated from Semmelweis University in 2012 and participated in a oral surgeon residency program at the same institute. Beyond thousands of successful implantation and bone augmentation, he is widely known as a Dentist who's wisdom teeth extraction style is quick, precise, smooth and painless.
Languages: English, German
Tuesday - 14:30-18:00
Dr Dóra Luca Gecser
Fogorvos - Szülési szabadságon
As most of our dentists, Doctor Gecser also graduated from the rightfully famous Semmelweis University. Her most important goal is not only performing the most aesthetic dental care, but also delivering treatments as painless as possible. She goes above and beyond to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere during her treatments and to look after her patients. Her main interests are endodontics, aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics.
Languages: English
Monday - 8:00-12:00
Tuesday - 8:00-12:00
Wednesday - 14:00-18:00
Thursday - 8:00-18:00
Friday - 8:00 - 12:00
Krisztina Mucsányi
Dental assistant and dental hygienist
Nóra Jakus
Dental assistant and dental hygienist
Dr. Kovács Zsófia Sára
A fogorvosi diplomáját a Semmelweis Egyetemen szerezte, ezen felül részt vehetett az egyetem Klinikai Tehetséggondozó Programjában. Kiemelten figyel arra, hogy minden kezelés nyugodtan, jó hangulatban és fájdalommentesen teljen. Munkáját nagy precizitással végzi és fontosnak tartja a legkorszerűbb technológiák elsajátítását.
Languages: angol
Hétfő - 8:00-18:00
Tuesday - 8:00-12:00
Wednesday - 14:00-18:00
Thursday - 8:00-18:00
Péntek - 8:00 - 12:00