
Periodontics is a dental specialty that involves the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes and the maintenance of the health, function, and aesthetics of these structures and tissue.

Periodontal disease, like a tooth decay, is an endemic. Almost 100% of the population is affected, while 28% is affected heavily. Every third tooth loss is caused by periodontal inflammation or it may accelerate the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or a miscarriage.


The supporting structure of the tooth, the periodontium, is made of interconnected gums, bones, ligaments, and roots. Our health is determined by the genetics we inherit and our oral hygiene habits. However, when this balance is broken, inflammation develops more easily. It starts with the inflammation of the gums, swelling, livid red discouloration, and more substantial pressure, or even bleeding during brushing. Untreated gingivitis worsens, and tight gums can lead to loss of adhesion, sac formation, gingival or bone retraction, and loss of teeth.

As advanced periodontal disease develops, the regular annual calculus removal is no longer sufficient. The problem is more serious hence the solution is more complex. Also, as the sachets deepen and deepen, the less and less possible it will be to clean them. The hypoxic environment under the gums can become the perfect home for more aggressive bacteria to multiply and settle. 

A possible way of treatment is the curette, which has a closed and open version.   

Curettage is performed in dentistry when tartar and bacteria have to be removed from the areas under the gums. 

 closed curette we don’t cut the gums. However, this procedure comes with a disadvantage: we won’t have a good view of the area we’re working with. In the initial phase, this method is always used. After an oral examination and scaling, appointments are made with the patient for 4 consecutive days. and the treatment is performed under local anesthesia. These 4 days are needed to make sure that only the correct amount of surfaces are numbed at a time. 

During open curette the gums are opened so that the infected area can be cleaned with great efficiency. When the gums are severely inflamed, this procedure cannot be performed.

Finally and most importantly, with regular check-ups, scaling and consistent oral hygiene habits, all this can be avoided.

 Kedves Pácienseink!
Rendelőnk december 21. és január 5. között zárva tart! Kellemes ünnepeket kíván csapatunk és várjuk Önöket január 6.-tól.

Dear Patients,
Please note that we will be closed from 21 December- 5 January. We wish you all a joyful holiday season and a Merry Christmas! Our clinic will reopen on January 6th, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.