Imagine a perfect smile—regular, white teeth with pink gingiva. Healthy interdental pappilas fill the gaps nicely. Then, imagine the same white teeth surrounded by a red, bleeding gingiva, where the yellow dental calculus just fills the gaps. This picture is not so attractive, is it?
Periodontal disease, like a tooth decay, is an endemic. Almost 100% of the population is affected, while 28% is affected heavily. Every third tooth loss is caused by periodontal inflammation or it may accelerate the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or a miscarriage.
The picture above illustrates a heavily infected periodontium; After several months of treatment, the healthy, pink, taut gingiva was redressed. However, the damage is irreversible. The gum loss is permanent, and we had to splint the lower mobile teeth to save them.
Regular visits and dental cleaning prevent this case.