If There Are No More Teeth . . . – Full Denture

It is always a big trauma in human life to lose all of your teeth. It can happen simultaneously or slowly, tooth by tooth; it is still a significant change in our lives. People are devoured by fear because of the full dentures before what they just saw in the glasses of their grandparents. And also the feeling they have just got old suddenly.

We need teeth not just for biting, but for talking and living social life.

We make a full denture (prosthesis) when someone has lost all teeth. Without teeth and implants, it is difficult to make a stable denture to use the hard and soft tissues in the mouth. We extend the denture to cover the gingiva and palate, and we try to use all the muscles; this helps keep the denture in the right place. We have to do it with complete precision, or it won’t be comfortable. I always tell my patients that a denture is not ready when it arrives from the dental laboratory. In the beginning, it is uncomfortable, difficult to eat and talk with it. We need three weeks of patience during which we do the corrections. The denture is ready when the patient feels it is like his own and learns the correct and comfortable way to talk and eat.

Egy kivehető fogsor nem akkor készül el, amikor megjön a technikustól és átadjuk a páciensnek. Ilyenkor még szokatlan, kényelmetlen, nehéz vele beszélni, hordani, enni. 3 hétig folyamatos kontroll mellett, heti rendszerességgel kell találkozni és a megfelelő módon igazgatni.

A pótlás akkor készült el, amikor a páciens már a sajátjának érzi, megtanulta hordani, elfogadta és szereti.

 Kedves Pácienseink!
Rendelőnk december 21. és január 5. között zárva tart! Kellemes ünnepeket kíván csapatunk és várjuk Önöket január 6.-tól.

Dear Patients,
Please note that we will be closed from 21 December- 5 January. We wish you all a joyful holiday season and a Merry Christmas! Our clinic will reopen on January 6th, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.