Orthodontics at any age

Ideally, Orthodontics should be done during childhood; however, there is still a solution if the orthodontics didn’t happen! Crooked and misaligned teeth are unaesthetic and can lead to speech impairment and other dental problems, which can cause severe self-assessment disorders in both children and adults.

Today, orthodontics has become increasingly popular among adults. We don’t have to go back in time to get awkward steel-structured orthodontic appliances. Today, thanks to modern technology, we can choose from appliances and brackets that are almost unnoticeable, and on the other hand, they are comfortable to wear. Moreover, the orthodontist is now practically a trend in everyday life, and the range of possibilities moves in an extensive range.

But why is the straight, curved denture necessary?

Aesthetic dentistry plays a significant role in our everyday lives. A regular, healthy denture adds to our self-confidence, gives us a more confident look that is rewarding in every area of life. The goal: Let's dare to smile!

But tangled teeth have a different side to the aesthetics. Unfortunately, even with meticulous attention, there is a greater chance of developing dental caries in the case of consecutive teeth, which may be the foundation of numerous additional dental problems.

Having an orthodontic treatment is indeed a long-term "commitment", but it is worth thinking about its benefits!

 Kedves Pácienseink!
Rendelőnk december 21. és január 5. között zárva tart! Kellemes ünnepeket kíván csapatunk és várjuk Önöket január 6.-tól.

Dear Patients,
Please note that we will be closed from 21 December- 5 January. We wish you all a joyful holiday season and a Merry Christmas! Our clinic will reopen on January 6th, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.